Posts Tagged ‘photoshop’

 If you’re like me, you’ve spent time on an App Store on your phone for music-related apps and just wished that you had one that did exactly what you wanted and no more. Now that it is required of me, I have done just that! (administrative peoples will understand that sentence)

    As I was saying, I have spent a great deal of time on both Adobe Photoshop and to create a visualization of an app that I would like to have on my phone. The app idea I have is to have a music based app that has a large archive of music lyrics to a large assortment of music artists. It is possible, because there is a website I go to for any and all music lyrics, but they do not have an app, which makes me sad. (That website is AZLyrics) This app would enable people to search, save and share lyrics with other users, and even upload their own if they wanted.



I don’t own any of the photographs used in this project, I simply used images on Google to edit in Photoshop to create an app  that I will never publish.

 This is what I would like the app icon to look like:      an abstract photo of headphones evaporating into  something beautiful. Yes, music notes are beautiful. 

 The name of the app is simple, short and easy to  remember: LyricMe. It makes the concept of the app  very quick to grasp and gives you a good layout before  even looking at the screenshots. 

Screenshot1DONE    Speaking of screenshots, I have put together two generalized ideas of how I would like the app to look and function. The first screenshot shows the homepage. Similar to Instagram, the first tab is an ‘Explore’ tab. There is where you can begin your search for bands by first picking the genre. For the sake of simplicity, There are six genre buttons as pictured here. 







Screenshot2DONE   The second screenshot is a few tabs into the process of finding the lyrics, but not the whole way there. This screenshot shows what would be selecting a genre then an artist. This is the artist’s page where albums and singles are listed in chronological order.

For this screenshot I used Five Finger Death Punch as an example because this band is my absolute favorite. They will most likely come up in a future blog post.








If you have some great ideas for an app, I highly recommend designing a template or demo and do what you like with it. Being creative and bringing your imagination to life is a very satisfying feeling. I really liked doing this little project, even though it consumed a good amount of my time. Do something creative people!